A 7 module online course

for women 35+ who want to market themselves EASILY AND effectively So they can make more money and WIN with personal PR.

Market your mastery will teach you tried and true publicity, BRAND, AND MARKETING techniques that work in Hollywood, so they’ll work for you, too! STAND OUT IN YOUR MARKETPLACE WITH CLASS, SASS, STYLE AND CONSISTENCY.

 Are you a woman over 35 looking to make more money, have more professional opportunities and have a little more free time and less overwhelm? I'm here to help you win more of what you want and win with personal PR and branding.

You're an expert at your work, and now it's time to let everyone know it.  

Market Your Mastery is the perfect online course for you. It's for any mid-career or mid-life woman who wants to make more money and have more opportunities come her way in record time.  It’s jam-packed with tried-and-true publicity, brand, and marketing techniques that work in Hollywood, and they'll work for you.

In just seven modules, you'll learn how to stand out in your marketplace with class, sass, style, and consistency so you can catapult yourself above the competition. And you'll be able to accomplish it all without feeling sales-y or sleazy in any way. After this course, you'll never not know what to say about yourself or show about yourself ever again in any circumstance, meeting, or platform.  

Imagine how much easier it will be when you understand exactly how to craft an effective message that resonates deeply with your audience/clients or boss. Or how sensational it would be to communicate in ways that earn you more money - and quickly. Investing in this course is a sure way of making sure your voice stands out from the crowd and your bank account and professional opportunities grow - all while having fun doing it! 

You’re smart, capable and strong, but you’re still a little lost.

You want to be in your career for 10 or 20 more years, you’re just not sure how to stay current and relevant.

You want to market your experience effectively so you can dominate your field.

You’re reentering, ramping back up, or changing course in the workforce after taking a break or scaling back.

It’s a good thing you’re here, you are so in the right place!

Market Your Mastery/Fresh After 40 is a seven-week personal and professional marketing manifesto for women 35+—women who are ready to claim their power in the workplace and make more money!  

You’ll learn how to:

  • Create and define a strong, personal, authentic brand

  • Speak to your superpowers

  • Communicate with power and speed

  • Dress so you get noticed for the right things

Not only that, but you’ll learn how to market yourself effortlessly with class, sass, style and consistency.


We’ll go over everything you need, including:

  • How to be memorable in your marketplace

  • How to get polished, professional and organized

  • How to promote and market yourself to WIN

  • What you need to market at this stage of the game

  • How to know if your environment is hurting or helping you


Don’t miss out on:

  • Ways to tell a winning story that speaks to your future

  • Why “solution speak” is vital to your success

  • How your 12-month calendar is your ultimate marketing tool

  • How your mission statement can unify your life

Plus you’ll get formulas, values, positivity and all things social media.  I’ll teach you everything you need to know to increase your worth in the marketplace and your bottom line.

Women in the mid stage of their careers need to be able to talk about money with ease.  They need to be able to speak their worth and feel confident about it.  They need to market their mastery.

With Market Your Mastery/Fresh After 40 you can position yourself exactly where you need to be.  Join me for the most powerful seven weeks of your career—without putting your life on hold.  Our classes will be held online and you can work at your own convenience.

You can do it all with Market Your Mastery


Join me today.  It’s your time to shine!




⭐️⭐️ market your mastery: Courses On Demand ⭐️⭐️

Available right now for you, all course modules as self study program (enroll and learn anytime, no private Facebook group or group calls).

Go at your own pace and start right now!

$179 USD

⭐️⭐️ Available Now! ⭐️⭐️


market your mastery: Online Course On Demand, Weekly Group Calls, & Private Facebook Group

$429 USD

Next group class starts February 15, 2024.


market your mastery: VIP Program

2 private 1 hour coaching hours with Margot Black (1 at start, 1 at finish) all course modules, private Facebook group and 7 group calls with Margot Black

$997 USD

Next class starts February 15, 2024.